Day 278

One of my favorite iPhone apps is the flashlight app.  I use it at least once a day, usually when I go check on the kids before bed.  I’ll shine my phone on their little faces, give them a kiss, and then use it to light my path back to the door.  It’s handy.

In Luke 15 verses 8 through 10 you can read the story of the woman who lost her coin.  The first thing she does when starting her search for the missing coin is to light a lamp.  Makes perfect since, right?  If you drop something on the  floor in a dark room turning on a light is going to be beneficial to your search.  The lamp helps her find the coin she is looking for and she is so excited that she has to celebrate with her neighbors.

Have you ever lost something?  Not like your keys or your favorite ink pen, but something major?  A job, your health, your savings account, a friend, a parent, your purpose, your peace, your joy?  Last July we lost a child.  Sometimes that is still so hard to wrap my mind around, but it happened.  I never got to hold Felix here on earth, but I look forward to embracing him on the glorious day I arrive at my forever home.

The first thing I did after our loss, was to turn the lamp on.

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.

God’s word is our lamp.  It’s what guides our feet in the darkness.  It’s how we see the path that seems hidden.

My heart was so full of joy at the thought of bringing home a new baby in November, but after the ultrasound the joy went missing.  Knowing that there was no where else to turn but to Jesus, I got in His word like never before and every time I opened my Bible, the lamp was on and shining brightly.  It was my new flashlight app.  The things I had lost, I found again thanks to the light of God’s Word.

Because of the lamp I can celebrate the life of Felix and the joy that I walk in today with you and with my family and friends, just like the lady who found her lost coin celebrated.

When you lose something remember that the most beneficial thing you can do before you start your search is to turn on THE lamp!

Psalm 119:130 (VOICE) When Your words are unveiled, light shines forth; they bring understanding to the simple.

God’s word WILL light your way and it WILL turn your mourning into dancing!

  1. God’s word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
  2. God’s word brings understanding, even to the simple.
  3. When we turn our lamp on it won’t be long until we are celebrating with our family and friends.
  4. I didn’t lose Felix forever.
  5. I found my joy again and found it quickly in God’s Word.
  6. Got to sleep in this morning.
  7. Bills paid.
  8. Lowe’s waived an interest fee and late payment fee when I let them know I set up payment online and I must have not completed it.  Favor!
  9. Early Mother’s Day lunch with my cute little family.
  10. Strawberry Cheesecake.
  11. Josh let me talk his ear off last night.  I had a lot to say after not seeing him for almost 3 whole days!
  12. My new maternity jeans.
  13. Soundtrack from “Up”.
  14. Relaxing afternoon laying around and reading magazines.
  15. Happy Cow Cheese.
  16. Beau let me hold her forever after she woke up from her nap.
  17. “Great Is Your Peace” one of the sweetest children’s songs ever written by none other than Ken & Trudi Blount.
  18. My children’s extremely fat feet.
  19. Pastor Debbie planned an overnight retreat for all of the Gateway pastor’s wives tonight!
  20. Beautiful Hotel Palomar in Dallas.
  21. Cheri let all of the Frisco girls carpool with her.
  22. Rooming with some of the sweetest girls I know- Erin & Nadege.
  23. House keeping.
  24. Awesome dinner.
  25. Our room and meals were paid for.  What a blessing!
  26. My kids and husband are miss-able.  I always enjoy girl time, but I always miss my family too!
  27.  I remembered to pack my fan!